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Equipeak Collapsible Folding Hiking & Trekking Sticks - 2 Aluminum Walking Poles with Real Cork & EVA Handle Grip Set - Ultra Strong Locking - for Men & Women
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Equipeak Collapsible Folding Hiking & Trekking Sticks - 2 Aluminum Walking Poles with Real Cork & EVA Handle Grip Set - Ultra Strong Locking - for Men & Women

Product ID: 73439805
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Challenge yourself to newer highs with superior walking sticks.Outdoor Adventures are not meant to be easy. Difficult terrains make the journey more fulfilling and thrilling. If you are a regular trekker, mountaineer or even an urban marcher you know the physical strain your body has to undergo before you achieve your trekking goals. You can get more scientific in your practice by using Equipeak Poles, which have been created for efficiency and prevent any harm to your body.No matter how heavy your body is, Equipeak Poles promise not to crack under your body pressure even during tough climbs or descents. They are sturdy and reliable enough to last you many treks. These poles can be put to multiple uses – like pushing through the bushes, testing the soft surfaces and even leaning on it for short breaks.They are constructed from aluminum alloy 7075 which is so light weight you get a hands-free feel. These ultralight and compact poles are ideal for backpacking.Like with all physical exercise, walking or hiking can get tiring unless you utilize the correct equipment. Equipeak Poles have everything from EVA grip to real cork handle grip and soft adjustable lanyard to thoughtful rubber heads for comfortable use on every kind of surface. Equipeak Poles even come with an extra pair of baskets to plow through muddy or snowy terrain, and a pair of tips for Nordic walking.Poles can sometimes become a burden on the backpacker. They can be difficult to assemble and disassemble. However Equipeak Poles come with an easy folding and collapsible mechanism that can be locked after a one time initial assembly. So once it is locked at your height you’ll never waste time adjusting them again.If you are looking to up your trekking game, look no further than Equipeak Poles to bring you closer to your goals. Grab a pair NOW, so before you set out on your next journey, you can add these multipurpose poles to your backpack!

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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