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Mainstays Braided Polyester Clothesline, 50 feet, White
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Mainstays Braided Polyester Clothesline, 50 feet, White

Product ID: 460427183
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You don't need an expensive appliance for fresh, dry clothing as long as you have the White Mainstays Clothesline. Dry your clothes the natural, environmentally conscious way by simply hanging them out to dry in fresh air. Perfect for anyone who would like an alternative method to using electricity or harsh chemicals to dry their clothing, this polyester and polypropylene white clothesline easily strings between two fixed points and allows you to hang your clothes to dry the natural way using only the power of fresh air. With 50' of line, the White Mainstays Clothesline is a great way to get your clean clothes dry and smelling great. Clothes pins sold separately. Includes 50' of line Tensile strength: Dry 270 lbs. Crafted of durable polyester and polypropylene for a long life of use Provides a great way for you to dry your clothes without the use of expensive appliances or harsh chemicals Simply string the line between to secure, fixed points to begin use Clothes pins sold separately Uses only the natural power of fresh air to dry clothing and get them smelling clean Can be used indoors or outside (weather permitting) Environmentally conscious, the clothesline requires no electricity for use

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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