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Innoworld Jaw Exerciser-Jaw,Face And Neck Muscles Strengthener - Use Your Molars To Define Your Jawline And To Get Chiseled Jawline - 2 Pieces (Black)
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Innoworld Jaw Exerciser-Jaw,Face And Neck Muscles Strengthener - Use Your Molars To Define Your Jawline And To Get Chiseled Jawline - 2 Pieces (Black)

Product ID: 226048436
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Colour:Black ★This Jaw exerciser uses your molars instead of front teeth and will sit at the back of your mouth as if you were a chewing gum, thus strengthens your jawline and gives you chiseled face★These have especially been designed for anyone interested in strengthening their Jaw, Neck and Face muscles, who wants to create a more chiseled look★Comes in 2 pieces, One of them is softer with 15lbs strength resistance and other other one is harder which is for advanced users with the strength resistance of 30lbs★This exerciser is durable and helps to improve your jaw function and maintains chin size★For the females, Jaw line face exerciser can help tone and firm the jawline and activate all of the facial and neck muscles, creating fresher, healthier and youthful appearance★Easy to use , Clean and Carry. Small Jaw exerciser can be used for mouth of any size and shape ★For best results regular workouts are recommendedDirections for use:★Before training, wash exerciser in warm water★ Place exerciser on your molars: one piece on the left side, another piece on the right side★ Start chewing. Chew for about 2-3 minutes or until you feel tired in your jaw muscles★ Take a 1 minute break★Repeat this cycle for 10-20 minutes per day, every other day★Please do not forget putting it in warm water for at least 5 minutes before and after use Unusually sharp molars may cause damage to the product earlier

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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